Learn the truth about vaping
We review the science and explain it in plain English
We make learning resources that are easy for anyone to understand.
Utilizing motion graphics, artwork, text and colour our resources quickly teach the viewer the truth about vaping.
“I have cared for hundreds of patients suffering with smoking-related diseases. Smokers deserve to know that they have a harm reduction option to reduce the chances of developing these horrible diseases.
In 2016, I formed our federal Canadian not-for-profit, Vaping Advocacy & Education Project (VAEP), to assist the global public and health professionals with learning about vaping as a harm reduction strategy.”
-Kellie Ann

Our newest resource for teaching the truth about vaping! Two-minute videos utilizing motion graphics, animated typography and succinct scripts to quickly teach the viewer key concepts about vaping.
Partner with us to finish the next video!
Informed decision making
How many smokers have been diagnosed with smoking-related diseases because they didn’t know that vaping is a significant harm reduction option?
Our learning resources are based in scientific evidence and data sets to ensure our information is credible.
We provide all references used in creating our content, and links when possible, to satisfy those that require a higher level of knowledge.

Explore nearly 200 Shareables with our searchable gallery. Each Shareable is an image utilizing colour, text and artwork to quickly convey key concepts about vaping. Shareables come in 2 shapes to suit your favourite social media platforms. Download to your device or share them directly to your social media platform.
This section provides everything someone needs to know about vaping to make informed decisions. Each page covers a different topic: cigarettes, quitting smoking, vaping, outcomes, flavours and nicotine. Read through quickly by reviewing just the Shareables or learn more with the additional text and links.
From summer to winter of 2019, an outbreak of vaping-related lung injuries occurred predominantly in the USA. The cause was from vaping illegal THC cartridges and had nothing to do with vaping nicotine. Authority through media failed to inform the public of the truth resulting in a misinformed health community and public.
We have designed our merchandise to assist people that support harm reduction to encourage their friends and family to visit our website.
Our new T-shirts are designed for everyday wear. Featuring our QR code on the sleeve and Plastisol printing because it’s thin so it moves with the fabric, yet it’s durable and environmentally friendly.
Our online shop, VAEPmail.com, is currently available in Canada.
We are preparing to open in the USA very soon.